Photography Debutante?

Group photo at the workshop
29th May 2005 : Basic Photography Workshop by Ted Adnan organized by Fotopages Mesia
My newfound hobby : fotografi!
The workshop was very der basic lah, something to start with especially with a beginner like me yang baru nak bertapak. But there were also some guys who turned up with those to-die-for SLR cameras which made my RM2k Sony T1 looked like a mainan that came out from a Ding-Dang box... oucchhhh!!
Ted the Sifu held a practical session - a model posed for us while we shot her pic from various angles and in different light settings. Halfway thru, my Sony ran out of battery so I had to charge it and watched others clicking away... so much for investing in my Sony daanngg! I want a new camera!! Nak yang canggih2 tue...
Abah belikan kamera digital SLR!!!
Yeah rite, if only I had the priviledge to do that.