A luxurious blend of life's little delights and pleasures

Monday, May 30, 2005

Photography Debutante?

Group photo at the workshop

29th May 2005 : Basic Photography Workshop by Ted Adnan organized by Fotopages Mesia

My newfound hobby : fotografi!
The workshop was very der basic lah, something to start with especially with a beginner like me yang baru nak bertapak. But there were also some guys who turned up with those to-die-for SLR cameras which made my RM2k Sony T1 looked like a mainan that came out from a Ding-Dang box... oucchhhh!!

Ted the Sifu held a practical session - a model posed for us while we shot her pic from various angles and in different light settings. Halfway thru, my Sony ran out of battery so I had to charge it and watched others clicking away... so much for investing in my Sony daanngg! I want a new camera!! Nak yang canggih2 tue...

Abah belikan kamera digital SLR!!!

Yeah rite, if only I had the priviledge to do that.

b pix-9

Friday, May 27, 2005

Pensyarah 'Okay'

This was the title bestowed upon me after attending Microteaching module in PTK3 this week.. yup the ever boring PTK.
Anyway, today we were required to do a 15-min teaching presentation, captured on video, watched the playback and got critisized. It felt a bit like being in Akademi Fantasia haha!

Well, after watching myself on video, never had I realised :

1. I have pronounciation problem. Eg : "darah" pronounced "darrr-ah", haahahah!
2. I have a slim figure (D-uh!!!)
3. Pergerakan tanganku yang seakan-akan gerdik.
4. I have a nice smile (go ahead say la whatever u want!)
5. I use the word 'okay' too much in class (hence the title "pensyarah okay")

The evaluator for our group was Dr Zamri, very the strict/garang one. Because of that, I dared not sms my darling Jaja during class (in a small classroom of 7 ppl it was blardy easy to get noticed). But he turned to be an 'okay' chap by the end of the day.

Dr Z : Puan, eh CIK Farah.. ada ape2 nak komen tentang sesi hari ni?
Me : Ermm takde...
Dr Z : Masih cik ye? Tapi saya rase dah tak lama tu, tengok gaya pon dah tak lama tue.. (AMIIN..moga2 mulut sifu masin)
Mr X : Yelah, asik sms je dalam kelas, mane tak nye!!
Dr Z : Saya ada perasan gak tadi, laju je jari dia! (and everyone gelak!)
Me : Mane ade! (tak ngaku kantoi, hehehehe!)


Friday, May 13, 2005

Mari Mengenal Farah


Since I am gonna be 27 in 20 days, allow me to blog down some facts about my zodiac, the famous TWINS.

Yes I like to talk (mainly gossipping hahahaha).
I believe anything? Well yeah. I believe Yetis and Puteri Gunung Ledang exist.
Nobody understands me... u mean like nobody understands why I find Meor Amir Faizal the sexiest man alive?
Great at multitasking? I love multitasking! eg. applying lipstick while driving.
Arent confused by facts? I dunno... I'm pretty blur most of the time.
Make a great friend? Of course!! You dont need an IQ of a genius to know that, DUH!
Love new stuff. Yesss! I get bored pretty easily.
You're really funny. I dunno. Ask Jaja. He's an expert in that department.
Never sit still. This is SOOO true! That explains why my survival in meetings or any occassion that requires me to be still for more than 10 min is very poor.


Thursday, May 12, 2005


Is, Jaja, and Myself (Taman Gelora, Kuantan)

I have nothing particular in mind to blog down today but I'd juz like to post this photo and say how much I love the way we managed to capture the jovial moment in this lovely picture by setting my Sony on self-timing mode. But man, look at those cheeks on me!! Ah well...

Is, you're simply downwright adorable!

Jaja, you're just simply E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G to me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Till Death Do Us Part

This morning, Roslan's fiancee passed away after a month or so battling with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia.
And they were about to tie the knot in 10 days...

Kinda makes u wonder what life is really all about.
I asked myself the question while being in a shower last evening...
I come to a belief that life is about being around the ones you love; to love; and to be loved.
And how close you connect yourself to the Creator.
Never forget to tell those who matters to you most how much you appreciate and love 'em.

In Memory of Yan, a fighter till the end.


The best things in life are the nearest. Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you.
Do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, for daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.

-Robert Louis Stevenson

My darling Jaja : I love you always....

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A Special World


A Special World

A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last

And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong.

- Sheelagh Lennon -

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Moodie Morning

This morning bad mood sikit lah (had a slight row with my darling *sob*).

And I took out my anger on an innocent unfortunate soul, A.
Kesian A, tak pasal-pasal kena hit by Pharaoh's wrath.
But everything's back to normal again now, I got back my cheery self.
Only one thing left to do : apologize with A.
Dah mintak tolong my 'BIG brader' NIXAM to pass on the apologetic message, hehe.
Thank you Nizam, this is for you bebeh!

Me, Nizam, Sham in Kuala Gandah (after bathing with the elephants)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

MeORsles : Disease or Obsession?

As if we didn't have enough to worry about the old and emerging diseases around the globe..
But here's another one to look out for :



An extremely rare form of affliction, occurrence rate 1 : 1000000000000.

Clinical features :

Abrupt, stormy onset; within seconds after coming to contact with Meor.

Often symptomatic; excessive smiling, dreamy eyes, child-like behavior, incessant food craving, occasional clumsiness.

Uncontrollable itch to continually dial ‘Meor’ on the mobile when separated within 1-km radius and sometimes feelings of stress and depression caused by lack of Meor.

Conditions may be exacerbated by daydreaming. Median survival is unknown. Incurable but NOT contagious (repeat : NOT contagious).

But fret not, as this form of malady affects not but ONE in this lifetime. And the chosen ONE happens to be ME.
I consider myself lucky however though, hehe.


My First Virginal Postie

Pic of da day...

One of my faves, taken Feb 20th 2005.

Since this is my first postie, I have nothing much to say as of yet. This blog is however dedicated to my dearest boyfriend, Meor Amir Faizal. Bebey I lurve you sooo much! Muaaahhh!
